Saturday, December 5, 2009

What A mess

Psalm 78:72 He cared for them with a true heart and led them with skillful hands.

Woke up this morning to it snowing and a Peace inside that I have not felt in a very long time. It was like I knew everything is gonna be okay and that I am Loved By God. That I matter. That things will turn around and get better and with GODS help will be able to beat this depression.

Explanation of the picture well this afternoon my boy bailey went under the deck and decided to dig in the dirt and needless to say he got messy. But like a good mommy I went and got him a towel and then gave him a bath. But isn't that like GOD too when we mess up or fall down HE's right there waiting for us. Waiting for us to come inside so HE can make us clean and draw us closer and closer to HIM. We come to GOD with messy faces and lives and baggage and HE picks us up drys us off. He wants us to surrender yet some people like myself has trouble with surrendering because of how I was raised. But I want to surrender to GOD. It just gets mixed up a bit from brain to heart there is disconnect. The verse came to me this afternoon picked my Bible up and just saw this one and was drawn to it. I think that because HE cares so much about us and has every single moment of our life laid out. SO I guess I'm ready to give GOD full control of my life. Cause Hes the only one who knows what is gonna happen with me. I now know I am safe in HIS ARMS.

In His arms I am safe and HE will lead me closer to HIM.


Anonymous said...

i have struggled a lot with depression myself. The key is getting out of your own head. We let our past and our present circumstances pretty much drive us insane. The key is to not strive to get out of where your at or even beg God to change it. It is to start embracing it and being content and figure out what God wants you to learn where your currently at. And that is very hard... especially when we live with people who have contributed to our past, bc that is all we see when we look at them. We have to forgive. And just be still sometimes. We dont have to spiritually inhabit our physical house. God bless you, continue to wrestle with this awful flesh we have until Jesus comes.

Hetty said...

And He will keep working thru you-- as you keep allowing Him to!! I don't even take meds for that anymore!! AMEN---all because of Jesus!!! And now He is working on my seizures-- just know-- we go thru out ups and downs-- but yes He holds us thru it all-- never give up--or give in.. one day, you WILL look back- and have to giggle some!! I sure do!!

God bless you!!
